Download Games PC Hearts of Iron 2 Complete Indowebster Torrent Free (Size: 397.12 MB) | Hearts of Iron II is a grand strategy computer war game for the PC based upon its predecessor, Hearts of Iron. It was developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. It takes place in the period from 1 January 1936 through 30 December 1947 (1964 with the expansion), and allows the player to assume control of any one of over 175 nations of the time and guide its development through the years before, during and after the Second World War. It was developed by Paradox Interactive and released 4 January 2005. The lead game programmer was Johan Andersson.
A sequel, Hearts of Iron III was released in August 2009. Arsenal of Democracy, a grand strategy wargame based on Hearts of Iron II was released in February 2010.[1] Iron Cross a Hearts of Iron II expansion, was released on October 7, 2010, and Darkest Hour, a stand-alone strategy game based on Hearts of Iron II, was released on April 5, 2011. (Wikipedia)
A sequel, Hearts of Iron III was released in August 2009. Arsenal of Democracy, a grand strategy wargame based on Hearts of Iron II was released in February 2010.[1] Iron Cross a Hearts of Iron II expansion, was released on October 7, 2010, and Darkest Hour, a stand-alone strategy game based on Hearts of Iron II, was released on April 5, 2011. (Wikipedia)
Hearts of Iron II is a grand strategy game. The player can build land divisions, aircraft squadrons, and naval ships/fleets, and combine these into corps and armies. The player also has the ability to control the appointment of commanders of forces under their nation's flag or that of controlled nations as well as to control the appointment of individual government ministers and military commanders in key General Staff positions. The player also has a broader ability to control the heads of state and government; however, this option is only available to democracies and only then through elections, in which the player chooses the winner. Technological research is controlled by the player. All this is on a global scale, with the player simultaneously dealing and interacting with nations across the world. The game can be paused at any point.
- New attachments for Naval units; do you scrap or upgrade those old ships
- Land units can now be built with brigades already attached.
- An Air Naval combat system that radically alters the combat balance
- New damage algorithms for the Air combat system, making organization more important and allowing air units to fight longer.
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System requirements
- Windows 98 / ME / 200 / XP
- Pentium III 800 MHz 128 Mb RAM
- 1 GB Free Hard Drive Space
- 4 Mb Video Card DirectX Compatible
- DirectX Compatible Sound Card
- DirectX 9.0 or higher
Ini game paling keren sejagad. Kerenya karena ini game seperti bukan game.. seperti kerja jadi kepala negara beneran.
Gamenya real time dan tipenya adalah grand strategy, kita cuma melihat peta dunia dan kita perintahkan tentara untuk serang sana dan serang sini tanpa mengontrol detail jalanya pertempuran. Ya pas perang mirip Civilizations lah.
Tapi yang parah, ngontrol produksi pabrik, markas, tentara, dan ngurus research serta diplomasi setengah mati.
Tapi yang keren, pas main jadi jepang atau belanda, bisa merdekakan Indonesia. Terus kalau main dari savegame yang Indonesia sudah merdeka, kita bisa main jadi Indonesia.
Top deh, bisa pilih Jenderal Sudirman jadi panglima angkatan darat, bikin Universitas Indonesia buat riset nuklir, dan sebagainya.
Buat yang nggak keberatan mikir dan suka dengan sejarah, game ini wajib download.
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Password : leechermanja
Hard copy. Patched to latest, both Doomsday and Armageddon.
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