Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

The House Of The Dead Pc Full Version Game Free Download

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The House Of The Dead PC Game Cover | The House Of The Dead PC Game PosterThe House Of The Dead game System Requirements :

CPU Type: Pentium
CPU Speed: 133 MHz
RAM Required: 16 MB
Graphics Type: SVGA
Graphics Resolution: 640x480
Color Depth: High Color

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The House Of The Dead Pc Game - ScreenShots
The House Of The Dead PC Game ScreenShot
ScreenShot 1
The House Of The Dead PC Game ScreenShot
ScreenShot 2
The House Of The Dead PC Game ScreenShot
ScreenShot 3
The House Of The Dead PC Game ScreenShot
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The House Of The Dead Pc Game - Information

The House of the Dead is a first-person, light gun arcade game developed in 1996 and released in 1997 by Sega.Players assume the role of agents Thomas Rogan and "G" in their efforts to combat the products of the dangerous, inhumane experiments of Dr. Curien, a mad scientist.
The House of the Dead is a rail shooter light gun game. Players use a light gun (or mouse, in the PC version) to aim and shoot at approaching enemies. The characters' pistols use magazines which hold 6 rounds; players are required to reload after using each magazine. A set of torches next to the magazine of each player represents remaining health. When a player sustains damage or shoots a civilian, one of their torches is removed. The player dies when all torches are lost. First-aid packs are available throughout the game which restore one torch. These are found either in the possession of civilians whom the player has rescued or inside breakable objects. Similarly, there are also special items located in breakable objects that will grant a bonus to whoever shoots it.
Throughout the course of the game, players are faced with numerous situations in which their action (or inaction) will have an effect on the direction of gameplay. This is exemplified in the opening stage of the game when a civilian is about to be thrown from the bridge to his death. If the player saves the civilian, they will enter the house directly through the front door; however, if the player fails to rescue the civilian, the character is redirected to an underground route through the sewers. If the player rescues all civilians, a secret room full of lives and bonuses is revealed toward the end of the game.
On December 18, 1998, Agent Thomas Rogan receives a distressing, shorted phone-call from his fianc�, Sophie Richards at the Curien Mansion, the home and laboratory of Dr. Roy Curien, a renowned biochemist and geneticist. Together with his partner Agent G, they arrive on the scene at the Curien Mansion, amidst a series of ominous occurrences and disappearances at the mansion, to immediately discover the estate overrun with hellish creations. A mortally wounded man gives them a small field diary showing information of all of Curien's deadly creations and their weak points. It is used every time the player(s) are confronted by a boss.
Information From: Wikipedia

The House Of The Dead PC Full Version Game Free Download

File Size: 21
Password: checkgames4u

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